Value Source Global provides durable, high performance metal cast components and assemblies, along with CNC machining, sand-blasting, polishing, and painting options to our clients. Our expertise includes knowledge of, and experience with, a variety of metal cast components, metal cast components manufacturing processes, and metal cast component assembly services. From prototyping to complete process outsource, we can guide you through a range of cast components and assemblies and their features, to the option that will best suit your outsourcing budget, schedule, and goals.

Why Use Value Source Global to Outsource Cast Components and Assemblies to China or Vietnam?

The right metal cast components outsourcing partner doesn’t just save you money—they help you make it over the long term. They guide your decisions so you meet critical revenue goals. And they learn your business to lay the foundation for future growth. While we provide competitive pricing on metal cast component manufacturing and assembling, we’re most proud of the personal attention we give every client. Whether you’re a mid-sized firm or a multi-national corporation, we have the outsourcing experience and overseas infrastructure to build a strategic partnership that will make the most of your time and money over the long term.

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For more information about Value Source Global, read about our personal approach or get in touch.